About COENJA2014

The COEN Joint Action 2014: Instructions for use for re-useable and re-sterilisable medical devices (COENJA2014), led by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety and co-funded within the EU Health Programme (2014-2020) aims to:

  • evaluate the fulfilment of regulatory requirements in the field of re-processable medical devices
  • improve and intensify joint market surveillance activities between Member States.

Find out more about this Joint Action:

  • Overview of Work Packages – Read more about the Work Packages and see what the Joint Action has delivered.
  • Participants – See who has been involved in developing and delivering this Joint Action.

Download the “Instructions for use for reuseable and resterilisable medical devices” leaflet to find out more about COENJA2014.

You can also download the “Summary report about evaluated instructions for use of re-processable medical devices” and read more about the outcomes of COENJA2014.

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