JAMS Stakeholder Conference Held In Brussels On Dec. 12th 2019
By Lara Laine-Lemarchand / On January 8th, 2020 / In Events, Health, Regulatory

Officially launched on October 2019 at the 39th meeting of the Competent Authorities for medical devices (CAMD), the Joint Action on Market Surveillance of Medical Devices (JAMS) aims to reinforce the market surveillance system for medical devices by improving coordination and cooperation between Member states.
On December 12th 2019 in Brussels, the JAMS Stakeholder Conference brought together representatives from 24 Competent Authorities for medical devices, the European Commission (DG GROW, DG SANTE, CHAFEA) and 15 interested stakeholders.
The event was opened by Mr. Salvatore D’Acunto (Head of Unit, D.4 Health Technology and Cosmetics, DG GROW). The key deliverables and outputs of the Joint Action were presented to the audience by the JAMS leading organizations (ANSM, France; HPRA, Ireland; INFARMED, Portugal).
Participants also heard from GOPAcom on behalf of DG GROW, which gave a presentation on the communication and information campaign on medical devices regulations. The European Patient Forum gave a very much appreciated presentation on how reinforced European market surveillance allows for better patient safety.
The morning session was closed by an open discussion on the JAMS results. It was followed by a fruitful afternoon meeting between Competent Authorities and Commission services to discuss the future implementation of the JAMS outputs and how this may relate to MDR implementation and contribute to ongoing cooperation between Competent Authorities within the CAMD network.
Download the presentations from the morning session:
- Reinforcing the market surveillance system for medical devices: key results of JAMS – ANSM, HPRA, INFARMED
- Communication and information campaign on medical devices – GOPAcom on behalf of DG GROW
- Reinforced European market surveillance for better patient safety – European Patient Forum
Read the press release (in French) from the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety (ANSM) in charge of the JAMS coordination. The press release displays links to the speech from the ANSM Deputy General Director Ms. Christelle Ratignier-Carbonneil, as well as a short interview of Ms. Lara Lainé-Lemarchand, the JAMS coordinator, presenting the Joint Action (in French).
This conference and related materials are parts of the project / joint action ‘723964 / JAMS’ which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). The JAMS will officially end on January 16th 2020. A public final report will be made available.
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