The JAMS layman’s report is now available online!
By Lara Laine-Lemarchand / On May 20th, 2021 / In Health, Regulatory

The Joint Action on Market Surveillance of medical devices (JAMS) was set up to reinforce market surveillance between Competent Authorities and to harmonise the approach taken across all Member States. Launched in October 2016, the Joint Action, co-funded by the European Union, gathered 18 countries and was implemented over 39 months, ending in January 2020. A layman version of the JAMS final report is now available for download and provides an overview of the project and its results.
The outcomes achieved by JAMS have fully met the expected outcomes foreseen at the start of the project. JAMS has been contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the EU Health Programme (2014-2020) by delivering tools and guidance to aid the implementation of joint inspections of manufacturers and to enhance the clinical processes and market surveillance coordination between Member States.
Through its activities and its outputs, JAMS has achieved greater mutual understanding, collaboration and cooperation between participating EU Member States. It has made significant contribution to strengthening European cooperation and National Competent Authorities’ capacities by providing them with guidance, tools and training opportunities.
The project has also resulted in improvements to the level of scrutiny which medical devices within Europe are subjected to by Competent Authorities. The regulatory systems are better equipped to efficiently and effectively maintain oversight of the medical devices sector. This has a positive impact on the safety of medical devices in Europe, and the level of confidence which patients, consumers and healthcare professionals can have in the European medical devices market.
Through to its positive results, the Joint Action has made an important contribution to the implementation preparation of the new EU medical device regulations.
Click here to download the JAMS layman’s report*
Find out more information about JAMS:
- Joint Action on Market surveillance of medical devices (JAMS)
- CAMD News: JAMS Stakeholder Conference Held In Brussels On Dec. 12th 2019
- CAMD News: JAMS featured in the EU Health Programme High Level Conference
*This report is part of the project / joint action “723964 / JAMS” which has received funding from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).
The content of the report represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
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